Filter units installed on the Croston Flood Risk Management Scheme
The Environment Agency along with WEM Framework contractors VBA (Volkerstevin, Boskalis & Atkins) have specified 2T filter unit rock bags for the large flood risk management scheme currently being constructed to reduce the flood risk to Croston Village.
Located in the central west region of Lancashire, Croston Village has been flooded on many occasions with the most recent flooding event occurring during the 2015/2016 winter storms. The Environment Agency and its partners are constructing a flood storage area across the River Yarrow upstream of Eccleston Bridge capable of holding back the equivalent of 520 Olympic sized swimming pools of water during a flood event.
Filter units will be installed at the toe of the river banks that will be excavated to shape the new inlet and outlet channels to the newly constructed culvert. The culvert will hold back the flood waters and regulate the volume of water flowing towards the village reducing the flood risk of 500 properties.
If you would like to speak to our filter unit specialist, please call 02890 454599.